Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Calming Lavender
Written by: Breezy Love 

Have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind that just will not stop? You finally you get the opportunity to lie down in bed.  You are perfectly still, your eyes are closed, you are so tired you just cannot stand it.  You want so badly to be able to drift into a peaceful abyss but instead you lay there perfectly still, eyes closed, and your brain is still wide awake.  Nothing is more frustrating.  

There are lots of things that you can do that are natural and calming that will help you sleep.  Whatever you do DO NOT take any synthetic sleeping aid or other prescription pills.  These pills are toxic and addicting and will destroy your genetic DNA.  Our society is too quick to twist the pill bottle for results.  This is we have become a variety pill popping society.  If you are stressed, take a pill.  If you are depressed, take a pill, if you are trying to sleep but can’t, they have a pill for that too.

These pills wreak havoc on the human body and leave lasting effects and oxidative stress that will surface years down the road.  Why do people do that? Why is it we reach for something that is synthetic and not natural when the earth has given us all we need? Lavender is a natural plant that grows in any garden across America.  Lavender is fragrant and beautiful.  There is nothing more natural then lotion, candles, bath salts, bath oil, body oil, scent oil, hot tea, and potpourri made of Lavender. 

These are a few of the reasons I choose to relax using the fragrant bliss of lavender for all of my restless nights.  However, just when you thought that the calming effects of lavender could not be more calming.  Imagine the possibilities when infusing lavender oil into a cannabis oil, tea, lotion, or butter.  Healing and calming take the stage.  Lavender can be used in a variety of medicinal treatments:

Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a variety of digestive complaints including meteorism (abdominal swelling from gas in the intestinal or peritoneal cavity), loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset stomach” WebMD

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Avoiding a FREAK OUT!

Avoiding a FREAK OUT!

A freak out is a moment that happens when life all around you collapses or so it seems.  A person cannot handle one moment more of anything and they have an instant melt down right wherever they are standing.  Showing their tail feathers to anyone in ear shot or vision range, freak outs are totally embarrassing.  Freak outs are a sign of an emotional unbalanced person. 

We all have deadlines, bills, work, family, friends the trick is to try balancing all of these things without achieving any stress.  Is it even possible not to become stressed when everything is piling up and you cannot see the top of the stack?    I guess it is time to start asking some serious questions about this stress.  The biggest thing to remember about stress is that it only controls you if you let it.  Think about this for a minute. Life can be out of control if you let it control you.  When life gets out of control this is when stress enters into the picture. 

Stop that!

Stop letting stress control your decision making process.  These are some things that help stay in control.

  1.  Eliminate that pile up by dealing with each situation as it occurs.
  2. If a pile is necessary then make sure to prioritize your pile.
  3. The pile will always be there, never forget to take time for yourself.
  4. Never let things fester. 
  5. Communicate, you know talk about those difficult choices, decisions, and emotions with some you trust. 
  6. Never let this stuff pile up.  It certainly causes a great deal of stress and could push even the strongest person to the point of freak out.
  7. STOP FREAKING OUT! It doesn’t help, it makes things much worse.

The hardest lessons in life are experienced when we let a bad situation take control of our lives and we let this situation make our choices.  Hard lessons are ten times harder when we let this happen.  We make these bad decisions when we lose the upper hand of a situation.  

Always maintain the upper hand in your own best interest and the best interest of those around you.  Being a greedy and selfish person will always cause problems.  Dealing with greedy and selfish people will be the single most challenging part of daily life.  Staying in control and avoiding a freak out is very important.

Let the other person freak out all they want.

Finding out what your personal trigger points are and when these triggers occur, you train yourself to automatically back down.  Accelerating situations does not help anyone or anything.  It is impossible to completely avoid all challenging people and their dire situations from clouding your vision.  People are always going to freak out and make bad decisions when they are not in control of their life.  Let them freak out.  As long as you remain in control of the situation, words cannot hurt, and you do not need the stress.  

Move on!

Bad choices are made when we are not thinking about the bigger picture. 

Instead of freaking out when a bad choice is made, deal with it you are the one that lost control.  Just remember that once a freak out occurs it cannot be undone.  It is difficult to repair the damage that is caused from a freak out.  Freak outs are usually aimed at other people and are the biggest challenge of taking back your life.  Do you really like looking like a meanie face when you freak out like that?  Of course you don't, nobody wants to be known as the freak out spazz.  

Monday, February 16, 2015

Help CannaTV Grow!

Wanted: We are looking for people to upload 2 minute video testimonials about their experiences with medical marijuana. Are you treating a chronic illness? What prescription pharmaceuticals have you given up? This is a totally free community that was built as a means to educate, inform, and reform cannabis laws. Join a community of 629,000 member's actively viewing video's every single day. Join us grow: http://cannatv.org/

Greed, Corruption, and the Biggest Money Grab in Michigan History

What we are witnessing in Michigan 2015 is a well contemplated, planned take-over of the very profitable, yet compassionate law that yielded a successful cottage industry.  They let the people have just enough rope, and then they flawlessly collected it all back at one time.  They played the Michigan and nobody cared because they are obviously all sleeping at the wheel.  This entire process has been written in their well-played hand of cards.

Don’t sit there with your jaws hitting the ground flapping your mouth and wonder what in the hell just happened.  If you would have been listening two years ago it wouldn’t be such a surprise to you today.  This is something CannaTV- Oil Shiner’s have warned was coming.

The writing was on the wall and the people knew that once the dust from McQueen settled they would pounce.  We knew that the day would come when the Caregiver’s and Patients who depend on Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of 2008 would be left scratching their heads in bewilderment screaming what the hell happened to our law?

(I am not going to waste your time going through all of the details but if you are interested in listening to what the Oil Shiners had to say about that subject check out the following CannaTV exclusive videos at the end of this story)

How is it possible for the Wall Street big pharmaceutical companies to push their way right off of Wall Street, landing on Main Street in Michigan? Not only have they landed but they are scooping it up all nice and making it a nice profitable package with a big red bow and even a cherry on top. 

Watch and learn people.  This is how the big elite circle of corporate giants tightens the noose around our necks and extracts every last dime that the people have.  This will continue until they are left with only their appendages to sacrifice.  The big pharmaceutical company’s cannot even manage, or control the poisonous toxic sludge they package and call prescriptions.  They have paid off politicians in order to make that 300 billion dollar monopoly win even greener yet.

Oh? That is funny?

People that honestly think this that this was not planned out are very misguided.  The only real mistake is we trusted people these people who called themselves leaders. These leaders that led us right over the side the cliff are now screaming that we need to rush in and save the caregivers from a certain death.  This was all part of their master mind.  They wanted the caregivers gone.

These leaders that tried to buy their way into the lime light and ended up getting sold out.  Never trust a Republican darling.   We learned that as these leaders marched side by side with these Republican’s and said they had our backs.  Laughing all the way to the banks they had our backs.  At least that is what they thought they could do just rush in scoop it all and our rights inside this State for Medical marijuana were always for sale to the highest bidder.
The winning bidder is the $300 billion dollar industry of deadly prescription drugs.  These bidders are planning on hacking it, whacking it, manipulating it, compounding.  Any way they put it what the true intent is to patent it, and soak the public for even dame dime that they have left.   
Has not history proven that nature is best?

Can’t they just leave well enough alone?

Just when you think that it could not get worse.  These pharmaceutical giants fancy the political dominance that their billions buy.  These giants manage to finagle, and dance their way right into the right place at the very top. 

Once they manage to place themselves at the top, they then eliminate and push out all competition.  Isn’t it the job of our elected officials to protect and serve the people against huge organizations from forming giant monopolies? 

How is it possible for our government to allow a cottage industry of wine, and beer to exist?  However, cannabis cottage industries are not allowed because they are harmful to the communities in which they serve?

Says who?

What can we do now? 


Buy a lobbyist and pay millions to convince the Politician’s with trinkets and toys to vote exactly whatever way makes these organizations the most profits.

The real problem with marijuana is that this awesome plant can be used thousands of different ways that will pretty much eliminate the use for anything outside of it.  We are talking about medicinal value, textile, and as a natural replacement for natural gas, and pre-historic fossil fuels.  

The government collects hideous amounts of taxes from these pharmaceutical giants.  The pharmaceutical giants also give campaign contributions, trinkets, and gifts to our politicians.   We do not pay taxes on our medicine, these companies still have to pay the taxes that they owe to Uncle Sam each year just the same way we have to.  The difference is they have a lot more zero’s at the end of their balances then we do in ours. 

Exclusive Video’s detailing what the future of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of 2008:

The Oilshiners will be talking about all of this and more tonight on our radio show.  Please join us at 6:00 PM, On February 17, 2015 as the Oilshiner radio show takes you for a walk down memory lane:

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Failed State of the Cannabis Cottage Industry of Caregiving

In the business world a person can run across good companies that succeed in business because they are stellar beacons of commercial exchange inside their communities. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum are those shady businesses that do not succeed because they provide poor service, quality, and fail to create a brand for their company.   

Caregiver’s are important people in the medical marijuana world.  Many people lack the space, time, or patience to grow their own quality medicine.  

A lot of people are not physically prepared to handle growing their own cannabis because it requires so much time, patience and energy.  People who use cannabis for medical value are generally physically plagued so it becomes necessary for a patient to find a caregiver to grow their medical cannabis for them. 

Finding a Caregiver in Michigan to provide access to quality, economical medical cannabis, in a variety of medicinal uses was something that patients had access to when the Jackson Michigan Medical Marijuana Farmers Market was in business.

Every week the Farmers Market bustled with business packing in twenty to sixty caregivers a day.  Each caregiver inside the Farmers Market network played a valuable role in the lives of the patients that patronized the Farmers Market.  

These Caregivers represented the best of the best Caregiver's inside the State of Michigan. 

Just like the business world has failures, Medical Marijuana Caregiving as a Career will have its fair share of failures.  Sometimes a patient would go through countless caregivers before they would finally find a caregiver that met their specific needs, and requirements.

Different patients, different caregivers, different personalities, ideas, and beliefs but at the Farmer’s Market the patient always had a choice.

When the Jackson Michigan Medical Marijuana Farmers Market patients had issues with their caregiver, there was always a different one waiting to step up and take their place.  Switching to a different caregiver was always a choice that medical marijuana patients in Michigan had. After the McQueen Hearing in Michigan (To read more about McQueen, Michigan Supreme Court Case click here) , dispensaries, farmers markets, collectives, in certain areas were forced to close.  When this happened it forced many Caregivers out of business. 

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of 2008 has essentially been gutted.  Most of the caregivers gave up and left the State because they couldn’t take that the State of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder authorized State funding for Federal Drug Enforcement Agency raids.
The patients are afraid to re-apply to the State of Michigan after the physician approves their medical cannabis applications because they are afraid that they will become part of a hunt of sorts.  That is the way that it seems to be shaping up inside the State of Michigan.  
They tell us to stand up, and protect what we believe in.  I believe that the people had it right when they voted yes in 2008.  The people voted for people taking care of people. 

They never intended the medical marijuana cottage industry would be hi-jacked by a bunch of greedy dispensary owners. The broken bunch of greedy dispensary owners would essentially ruin it for all of us who believed in this cottage industry.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette was quoted saying “But sadly and tragically, this has been hijacked by pot profiteers and drug dealers who want to make a quick profit, and the real victims are the citizens in Michigan and kids that now have easy access to a gateway drug" M-Live

Attorney Schuette may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, in fact he is pretty dull when it comes to ethical decisions based on medical marijuana laws inside the State. 

If more people inside the State of Michigan would step up and support Caregiving as a Cottage industry maybe the government would not be as prone to let the big pharmaceutical giants take over this medicine. 

Attorney General uses big words about the gateway drug. The real gateway drug is prescription drugs in this State and Country.  How about keeping those drugs out of the hands of our kids General Schuette?

The last time I checked the drug war facts:

Drug Overdose Total 43,982

Prescription Analgesics Total 16,235

Heroin Overdose Total 6,235

Marijuana OverdoseTotal 0

Read more: Drug War Facts

The never ending cycle of they have more money than we do and How about the prescription drug company’s pharmaceutical grip around this corrupt politicians back pocket. 

Citizens for Human Right’s speaking up to protect the rights of Caregiver’s at the City of Jackson Council Meeting.  The council attempted to change the voter’s intent.  Fighting for Caregiver’s inside this State and protecting Medical Marijuana from the commercial recreational marijuana industry is very important.  Medicine should never be taxed. CannaTV reports please watch this CannaTV exclusive video: We Voted for You

Written by: Breezy Love, CannaTV.org, 

Hydrocodone is a Deadly Pharmaceutical Drug.

Just because a Physician prescribes Hydrocodone does not mean that it is good for you. 

I am not a rocket scientist, or a doctor, I am a person who cares about long term health.  I love my family and want to be around for a while to enjoy them.  That right there is the reason that when medical marijuana became a choice in Michigan this was more than just a sigh of relief for many.  

My story will sound like so many other people living in this world.  People like us that suffer from chronic pain conditions that people cannot visually see and yet we still manage to make it through another day. 

Living in colder weather and having chronic joint and muscle pain makes it truly a challenge.  It is physically draining trying to function in the world of manual, physical labor when you hurt through every inch of your body.  Let’s face most of us have to work manual labor jobs.  These jobs require lifting objects heavier than twenty pounds.  It also requires a person to run, stand, and walk on your feet for a minimum of eight to ten hours a day.  It is not an easy task and doing it without assistance can be unbearable. 

Scoliosis, Lupus, bone spurs, muscle strains, tired aching bones are all conditions that people walk this earth with and suffer great pain with each and every day.  Stretching exercises, physical therapy lasers, muscle relaxers and pain pills.  These conditions are mostly treated with prescription drugs.  One of the most popular prescriptions for chronic pain is called hydrocodone.
Hydrocodone is defined “/hy·dro·co·done/ (-ko´dōn) a semisynthetic opioid analgesic similar to but more active than codeine; used as the bitartrate salt or polistirex complex as an analgesic and antitussive” (FreeDictionary.com).  Semisynthetic is defined as “/semi·syn·thet·ic/ (-sin-thet´ik) produced by chemical manipulation of naturally occurring substances.”(FreeDictionary.com).  

Describe the immediate effect of Hydrocodone on the human body
Hydrocodone is a drug that affects the muscles and when you take it the muscles and motor skills are slow.  It masks the pain being felt inside the body.  Hydrocodone numbs all pain. It slows down your heart rate, blood pressure, and puts a strain on your liver and kidneys.  Using hydrocodone for temporary relief of pain is fine.  The problem occurs when people continue to take this drug.  The aches in the body do not improve with age.  It is necessary for people to practice other healthful actions to reduce the pain we feel not just use a prescription drug to mask the pain.
Describe the long term effects on the body
It starts with one pill, and then you have to take two pills to get the same effect as you did when you were taking one.  The problem with is that it truly defines what a gateway drug is.  According to Webster’s Online Dictionary the definition of gateway drug is “a drug (as alcohol or marijuana) whose use is thought to lead to the use of and dependence on a harder drug (as cocaine or heroin)” (Webstersonline).   The bigger picture “Long-term effects of hydrocodone use can include physical problems, such as hearing loss and liver damage, but the most damaging result of being addicted to hydrocodone may be its adverse effect on your personal life. Drug addiction can wreak havoc on family relationships, cause difficulties with job performance and lead to mental health problems” (Drugabuse.com).

How many people die from hydrocodone in a year?
In the year 2002 the FDA issued dependency and damage warnings to people who used hydrocodone for daily pain therapy.  The problems arising range from addiction, to liver disease.  According to a New York Magazine the year 2002 brought light to the problem physicians across the globe were uncovering.  In an article published on July 2, 2009Emergency-room reports involving hydrocodone increase 500 percent since 1990. That same year, the FDA recommends tighter warnings on drugs containing acetaminophen over liver-damage fears(NewYorkNewsandPolitics).

The most alarming statistic of all is the massive number of people who are overdosing from hydrocodone that do not even have a prescription for this drug.  If pharmacies admit that they cannot control what happens to hydrocodone once it leaves the pharmacy how does the government think that pharmacies are going to do better at distributing medical marijuana?  Los Angeles Times reports that “Prescription drug overdoses now claim more lives than heroin and cocaine combined, fueling a doubling of drug-related deaths in the United States over the last decade”(LATimes).  The last time I checked marijuana has claimed zero lives. 

Not only has marijuana claimed zero lives but it is a schedule I drug that is considered to have no medical value and is considered to be deadly.  The supporters of cannabis want to know who considers marijuana to be deadly other than a very corrupt and broken government. 

The Problem:

Marijuana is considered a schedule I drug which means:” Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Schedule I drugs are the most dangerous drugs of all the drug schedules with potentially severe psychological or physical dependence” (DEA.GOV).
Deaths: ZERO: (Drugwarfactsmarijuana.com)

Hydrocodone is considered a schedule III drug which means: “Schedule III drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependence. Schedule III drugs abuse potential is less than Schedule I and Schedule II drugs but more than Schedule IV”  (DEA.GOV).

Deaths:” From 1999 to 2007, the number of U.S. poisoning deaths involving any opioid analgesic (e.g., oxycodone, methadone, or hydrocodone) more than tripled, from 4,041 to 14,459, or 36% of the 40,059 total poisoning deaths in 2007. In 1999, opioid analgesics were involved in 20% of the 19,741 poisoning deaths. During 1999–2007, the number of poisoning deaths involving specified drugs other than opioid analgesics increased from 9,262 to 12,790, and the number involving no specified drugs increased from 3,608 to 8,947"(Drugwarfacts.com) –

What is a natural alternative that can be used as a replacement for pain?
Cannabis, marijuana, hemp, for pain and nothing else will ever make sense again.  Our bodies are made with cannabinoid receptors that are made to process cannabinoids.  Cannabinoids should be a natural part of a healthy diet.  The government is trying to control a cottage industry created by hard working American’s.  They are using the pharmaceutical giant’s to deliver our dose of cannabis.  The problem is that the pharmaceutical companies are not doing what they can to prevent misuse of drugs.  They simply do not care past the sale of the drug to the patient.  Now the pharmaceutical giants are setting themselves for the takeover of marijuana distribution. They cannot take care of the deadly prescriptions what do we think they are going to do with our harmless plant? 


Friday, February 13, 2015

The Birth of CannaTV


In Michigan, November 04, of 2008 was a memorable day in the State.  It was on that day that 63% of the voting population said yes on a proposal that would allow the citizens inside the State of Michigan an opportunity to seek a physician that would allow them the opportunity to choose cannabis to treat their chronic ailments.  The band wagon was put on the road and people fled to this wagon in masses.  

The medical marijuana cure is what the people voted for.  They envisioned a way for people to take care of people.  What happened inside the State of Michigan was something similar to the Gold Rush Days of Mining.  People were opening up dispensaries left and right.  

These dispensaries made cannabis available similar to a pharmacy with its stockade of synthetic toxins.  Except these dispensaries were charging between $15 and $20 a gram for cannabis.  This was high way robbery.  Who can afford those prices?  The other options were growing your own cannabis, or finding someone to grow it for you. 

We understood that dispensaries were not for everybody as we could not afford those prices.  However, when they started playing with the laws in Michigan is when we knew we had to stand up and do something.  Even if  standing up meant putting ourselves in the face of the public to get it done. 

In 2010 the prices were at an all-time high, Joe Cain finally said enough is enough! He put on his thinking hat and created the Medical Marijuana Farmers Market and this was the first farmers market cooperative inside the State of Michigan.  This cooperative brought caregivers from all across the State into the Market on Saturdays and Sundays every week.  

These caregivers would adopt new patients, and sell their overages to other medical marijuana patients for $5 to $10 a gram.  Do you see why the dispensaries despised the Farmers Market?  People were lined up for two days to get inside the market.  The 

Caregivers inside the market helped everyone regardless of their ability to pay.  The Farmers Market was so successful helping patients out that an organization was created to help poor patients get recertified. This organization called the Citizens for Human Rights.  The people felt it was their right to harness the natural healing that is found inside this plant.

10 to 20 buses gathered people from across the State ushering 1,000’s of people to the steps of the Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan.  This is what the magazine “High Times” revered as the largest cannabis protest ever held inside the State of Michigan.  The airplane overhead had a banner on it that read “RECALL BILL SCHUETTE AND GOVERNOR SNYDER.”  It was an eventful day of powerhouse speaker’s that inspired, and reminded people of the real reason we were gathered are standing at the steps on this day.    We had contacted every single media outlet that we could send a press release to. 

Every single media affiliation was invited and that meant all radio, television, newspaper that we could get to come and witness this great gathering. 
It was an awesome protest of epic proportions the activists that met on those steps that day were proud of the accomplishments that were made.  Until we sat down and watched the news that night.  The media created a sabotaged mess.  What the media portrayed was a gathering of hippies, mostly youth, and not very many sick people at all.  These youth were defending sore arms, and stiff necks.  We had Senator Rick Jones publicly say that this is exactly why we must end the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.  The kids are using this stuff.  Jones has been quoted in the media saying things like “The Michigan voters were duped into thinking they were voting for marijuana for senior citizens in great pain or perhaps suffering from cancer and cancer treatment and needing marijuana.” MichiganRadio.  The media also grossly underestimated the number of people we had on the steps that day.  They called it about 500 protestors.  The truth is that we had thousands.

Disheartened because we had cancer patients, MS patients, Post traumatic disorder survivors, chronic and debilitating pain patients and the media went through and picked out the least qualified of the group and put them on front and center.  

This bad media was the start of the end of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act.  We contacted the media and offered them our documentation from the protest.  We had hours of video, and qualified medical marijuana patients.  We were baffled as to why they would choose to use these kids to represent the crowd that was there.  

It was almost as if they were setting us up to fail. 
Renee Wolfe was one of our most dedicated protestors.  Renee suffered with Multiple-sclerosis and the inclement weather was very difficult on her but she was always there.  Why didn’t they interview Renee? 

We emailed, visited the media Facebook pages asking them to retract the story that they sent out and use one that represented the protest.  We were exiled from their social network. 

Frustrated but determined to get our message out.  Joe Cain, Breezy Love, and the rest of the 
Oil Shiner Crew put their heads together and decided that what we needed to do is create our own media source.  

Then we can post our news, our views, and our message will get put across exactly how we want it to be seen.  We wanted everyone to know about the medicinal compounds and healing found in cannabis.  

This was more than getting us high.  This medicine was curing what ailed us.  We wanted more and the government was determined to give us less. 

We sat down and brain stormed as a team.  We needed to be compelling, truthful, and blatantly honest about exactly what we are up too. 

This is how CannaTV was born.  In two years we have grown to a successful media outlet that exhibits over 600 informational videos, and has an active viewing membership of over 628,000 members and growing. 

We host a weekly blog talk radio show in order to inform the people about everything we know about medical marijuana and why protecting the medical part of marijuana is so important.  

CannaTV discussions can be found in several chat groups on Facebook. 

Including our very own Facebook Group:  CannaTV on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/314596101986897/

The CannaTV mission is to protect the rights of the people in our community that believe cannabis is a medicine that heals and not a drug that kills.  We believe that the war on drugs is a war on humanity.  We believe that medicine, herbs, drugs, alcohol, food, all of these are health care issues.  

These health care issues should not be department of correction issues that require prison time.  Nobody should go to jail unless they harm other people.  Let our health insurance deal with our health problems.  We believe that everybody should be allowed to grow their own medicine.  

If you cannot grow your own medicine you should be allowed to find someone to grow it for you.  We believe that community is unity, and healing starts with compassion and humanity.  We attack the war on drugs with chat communities that promote alternative medicine choices. 

Facebook Chat Group Real Activists Against Synthetic Drugs:   https://www.facebook.com/groups/412217135460722/

You can join me on Facebook: Breezy Love: https://www.facebook.com/VivianRockofLoveCurl?fref=ts

You can also join me on Google by sending me an EMAIL: BreezyCannaTv@gmail.com

Join the Google Hang out every Monday night: https://plus.google.com/115903971097159158472/posts

Thank you for reading!