Corruption, and the Biggest Money Grab in Michigan History
What we are witnessing in Michigan 2015 is a well
contemplated, planned take-over of the very profitable, yet compassionate law
that yielded a successful cottage industry.
They let the people have just enough rope, and then they flawlessly collected
it all back at one time. They played the
Michigan and nobody cared because they are obviously all sleeping at the
wheel. This entire process has been
written in their well-played hand of cards.
Don’t sit there with your jaws hitting the ground flapping
your mouth and wonder what in the hell just happened. If you would have been listening two years
ago it wouldn’t be such a surprise to you today. This is something CannaTV- Oil Shiner’s have
warned was coming.
The writing was on the wall and the people knew
that once the dust from McQueen settled they would pounce. We knew that the day would come when the
Caregiver’s and Patients who depend on Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of 2008
would be left scratching their heads in bewilderment screaming what the hell
happened to our law?
am not going to waste your time going through all of the details but if you are
interested in listening to what the Oil Shiners had to say about that subject
check out the following CannaTV exclusive videos at the end of this story)
How is it possible for the Wall Street big
pharmaceutical companies to push their way right off of Wall Street, landing on
Main Street in Michigan? Not only have they landed but they are scooping it up all
nice and making it a nice profitable package with a big red bow and even a cherry
on top.
Watch and learn people. This is how the big elite circle of corporate
giants tightens the noose around our necks and extracts every last dime that
the people have. This will continue
until they are left with only their appendages to sacrifice. The big pharmaceutical company’s cannot even
manage, or control the poisonous toxic sludge they package and call
prescriptions. They have paid off
politicians in order to make that 300 billion dollar monopoly win even greener yet.
Oh? That is funny?
People that honestly think this that this was not
planned out are very misguided. The only
real mistake is we trusted people these people who called themselves leaders.
These leaders that led us right over the side the cliff are now screaming that
we need to rush in and save the caregivers from a certain death. This was all part of their master mind. They wanted the caregivers gone.
These leaders that tried to buy their way into the
lime light and ended up getting sold out.
Never trust a Republican darling.
We learned that as these leaders
marched side by side with these Republican’s and said they had our backs. Laughing all the way to the banks they had
our backs. At least that is what they
thought they could do just rush in scoop it all and our rights inside this
State for Medical marijuana were always for sale to the highest bidder.
The winning bidder is the $300 billion dollar
industry of deadly prescription drugs. These
bidders are planning on hacking it, whacking it, manipulating it, compounding. Any way they put it what the true intent is
to patent it, and soak the public for even dame dime that they have left.
Has not history proven that nature is best?
Can’t they just leave well enough alone?
Just when you think that it could not get
worse. These pharmaceutical giants fancy
the political dominance that their billions buy. These giants manage to finagle, and dance
their way right into the right place at the very top.
Once they manage to place themselves at the
top, they then eliminate and push out all competition. Isn’t it the job of our elected officials to protect
and serve the people against huge organizations from forming giant
How is it possible for our government to allow a
cottage industry of wine, and beer to exist?
However, cannabis cottage industries are not allowed because they are harmful
to the communities in which they serve?
Says who?
What can we do now?
Buy a lobbyist and pay millions to convince the
Politician’s with trinkets and toys to vote exactly whatever way makes these
organizations the most profits.
The real problem with marijuana is that this
awesome plant can be used thousands of different ways that will pretty much
eliminate the use for anything outside of it.
We are talking about medicinal value, textile, and as a natural
replacement for natural gas, and pre-historic fossil fuels.
The government collects hideous amounts of taxes
from these pharmaceutical giants. The
pharmaceutical giants also give campaign contributions, trinkets, and gifts to
our politicians. We do not pay taxes on
our medicine, these companies still have to pay the taxes that they owe to
Uncle Sam each year just the same way we have to. The difference is they have a lot more zero’s
at the end of their balances then we do in ours.
Video’s detailing what the future of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of
The Oilshiners will be talking about all of this
and more tonight on our radio show.
Please join us at 6:00 PM, On February 17, 2015 as the Oilshiner radio
show takes you for a walk down memory lane:
Google hang out the event:
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