Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Failed State of the Cannabis Cottage Industry of Caregiving

In the business world a person can run across good companies that succeed in business because they are stellar beacons of commercial exchange inside their communities. 

On the opposite end of the spectrum are those shady businesses that do not succeed because they provide poor service, quality, and fail to create a brand for their company.   

Caregiver’s are important people in the medical marijuana world.  Many people lack the space, time, or patience to grow their own quality medicine.  

A lot of people are not physically prepared to handle growing their own cannabis because it requires so much time, patience and energy.  People who use cannabis for medical value are generally physically plagued so it becomes necessary for a patient to find a caregiver to grow their medical cannabis for them. 

Finding a Caregiver in Michigan to provide access to quality, economical medical cannabis, in a variety of medicinal uses was something that patients had access to when the Jackson Michigan Medical Marijuana Farmers Market was in business.

Every week the Farmers Market bustled with business packing in twenty to sixty caregivers a day.  Each caregiver inside the Farmers Market network played a valuable role in the lives of the patients that patronized the Farmers Market.  

These Caregivers represented the best of the best Caregiver's inside the State of Michigan. 

Just like the business world has failures, Medical Marijuana Caregiving as a Career will have its fair share of failures.  Sometimes a patient would go through countless caregivers before they would finally find a caregiver that met their specific needs, and requirements.

Different patients, different caregivers, different personalities, ideas, and beliefs but at the Farmer’s Market the patient always had a choice.

When the Jackson Michigan Medical Marijuana Farmers Market patients had issues with their caregiver, there was always a different one waiting to step up and take their place.  Switching to a different caregiver was always a choice that medical marijuana patients in Michigan had. After the McQueen Hearing in Michigan (To read more about McQueen, Michigan Supreme Court Case click here) , dispensaries, farmers markets, collectives, in certain areas were forced to close.  When this happened it forced many Caregivers out of business. 

The Michigan Medical Marijuana Act of 2008 has essentially been gutted.  Most of the caregivers gave up and left the State because they couldn’t take that the State of Michigan Governor Rick Snyder authorized State funding for Federal Drug Enforcement Agency raids.
The patients are afraid to re-apply to the State of Michigan after the physician approves their medical cannabis applications because they are afraid that they will become part of a hunt of sorts.  That is the way that it seems to be shaping up inside the State of Michigan.  
They tell us to stand up, and protect what we believe in.  I believe that the people had it right when they voted yes in 2008.  The people voted for people taking care of people. 

They never intended the medical marijuana cottage industry would be hi-jacked by a bunch of greedy dispensary owners. The broken bunch of greedy dispensary owners would essentially ruin it for all of us who believed in this cottage industry.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette was quoted saying “But sadly and tragically, this has been hijacked by pot profiteers and drug dealers who want to make a quick profit, and the real victims are the citizens in Michigan and kids that now have easy access to a gateway drug" M-Live

Attorney Schuette may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, in fact he is pretty dull when it comes to ethical decisions based on medical marijuana laws inside the State. 

If more people inside the State of Michigan would step up and support Caregiving as a Cottage industry maybe the government would not be as prone to let the big pharmaceutical giants take over this medicine. 

Attorney General uses big words about the gateway drug. The real gateway drug is prescription drugs in this State and Country.  How about keeping those drugs out of the hands of our kids General Schuette?

The last time I checked the drug war facts:

Drug Overdose Total 43,982

Prescription Analgesics Total 16,235

Heroin Overdose Total 6,235

Marijuana OverdoseTotal 0

Read more: Drug War Facts

The never ending cycle of they have more money than we do and How about the prescription drug company’s pharmaceutical grip around this corrupt politicians back pocket. 

Citizens for Human Right’s speaking up to protect the rights of Caregiver’s at the City of Jackson Council Meeting.  The council attempted to change the voter’s intent.  Fighting for Caregiver’s inside this State and protecting Medical Marijuana from the commercial recreational marijuana industry is very important.  Medicine should never be taxed. CannaTV reports please watch this CannaTV exclusive video: We Voted for You

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