Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Calming Lavender
Written by: Breezy Love 

Have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind that just will not stop? You finally you get the opportunity to lie down in bed.  You are perfectly still, your eyes are closed, you are so tired you just cannot stand it.  You want so badly to be able to drift into a peaceful abyss but instead you lay there perfectly still, eyes closed, and your brain is still wide awake.  Nothing is more frustrating.  

There are lots of things that you can do that are natural and calming that will help you sleep.  Whatever you do DO NOT take any synthetic sleeping aid or other prescription pills.  These pills are toxic and addicting and will destroy your genetic DNA.  Our society is too quick to twist the pill bottle for results.  This is we have become a variety pill popping society.  If you are stressed, take a pill.  If you are depressed, take a pill, if you are trying to sleep but can’t, they have a pill for that too.

These pills wreak havoc on the human body and leave lasting effects and oxidative stress that will surface years down the road.  Why do people do that? Why is it we reach for something that is synthetic and not natural when the earth has given us all we need? Lavender is a natural plant that grows in any garden across America.  Lavender is fragrant and beautiful.  There is nothing more natural then lotion, candles, bath salts, bath oil, body oil, scent oil, hot tea, and potpourri made of Lavender. 

These are a few of the reasons I choose to relax using the fragrant bliss of lavender for all of my restless nights.  However, just when you thought that the calming effects of lavender could not be more calming.  Imagine the possibilities when infusing lavender oil into a cannabis oil, tea, lotion, or butter.  Healing and calming take the stage.  Lavender can be used in a variety of medicinal treatments:

Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a variety of digestive complaints including meteorism (abdominal swelling from gas in the intestinal or peritoneal cavity), loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas (flatulence), and upset stomach” WebMD

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